Fedora 9 launch party i radionica
Udruge Linux-Osijek i Osijek Wireless pozivaju sve zainteresirane na predavanje i linux radionicu: Pozivamo sve zainteresirane na predavanje i radionicu koja će se održati u četvrtak, 15. 5. 2008. u CnC Klub za
Udruge Linux-Osijek i Osijek Wireless pozivaju sve zainteresirane na predavanje i linux radionicu: Pozivamo sve zainteresirane na predavanje i radionicu koja će se održati u četvrtak, 15. 5. 2008. u CnC Klub za
This is a short post regarding my experience installing and using Fedora 9 (currently preview, not released version). I have tried installing eeedora on 8GB SD card for many times but without any
If you have followed my previous webcam howto guide and found out that you need uvcvideo module for your webcam just follow this howto. First install subversion, if you don't already have it
If you run Fedora as a home or work desktop and you are the only user on that system then you probably don't want to enter root password for every update. If you
I have used mugshot service for some time now and I really like it. If you haven't used it before I highly recommend you sign up and install mugshot client. So far I
If you have a webcam that needs some module (driver) that it is not in Fedora kernel then you usually need to compile it manually. Fedora doesn't include any modules that aren't in
Fedora Projekt nastavlja sa svojim brzim tempom razvoja i inovacije Slobodnog softvera s izdavanjem Fedora 9 Alpha. Dok druge distribucije tek počinju prihvaćati tehnologije poput PulseAudio i PolicyKit mi smo jos jednom korak
Prije par dana postao sam ambasador Feodora projekta za hrvatsku. Kako dugo koristim Fedoru a i pridonosim na razne načine ovo mi se činilo zanimljivo. Pogledao sam ciljeve koje imaju Fedora ambasadori pa
Evo što sam dobio pod drvce! Moja draga je napravila pun pogodak! Cherry Cymotion Master Linux tipkovnica je zakon, kvalitetna je, odlično leži pod prstima i ima tuxa na tipkovnici :) Ako i vas
Although Cinelerra is GPL licened application it is not available in default Fedora repositories because it depends on some packages that Fedora doesn't distribute because of patent issues. If you use Livna repository
I regularly listen to Linux Action Show podcast and I found this review of Fedora 8 really worth sharing with others. It is really hard but realistic review and I believe they drive
I listen to lot of podcasts and in lots of episodes there are some great parts of the show that I would like to share with my friends. This appears to be a