
personal blog - Valent Turkovic

Oct 23, 2017

Best Gnome extensions

Best Gnome extensions

Here is just a short list of some cool Gnome extensions: AlternateTab Caffeine cpufreq Freon [Launch new instance](Launch new instance) Places Status Indicator Suspend Button Check locally installed Gnome extensions

Aug 8, 2017

Sysadmin pet peeve - don't use root!

Sysadmin pet peeve - don't use root!

There are people (I was one of them) who just use root account on servers for managing them, deploying apps and also share this single account with other sysadmins and even with developers.

Mar 4, 2017

My favorite Firefox Extensions

My favorite Firefox Extensions

Here are Firefox extensions I use, if you have some good ones that I misses please feel free to suggest. There is also post showing my favorite Chrome extensions. Must-have Firefox extensions: AdBlocker

Jan 25, 2017

My favorite Google Chrome Extensions

My favorite Google Chrome Extensions

Although Firefox is still my primary browser Google Chrome or Chromium browsers are also nice to have. Favorite Firefox extensions article was getting old so it is definitely time to write an updated

Dec 7, 2016

Otvorena mreža and policy routing

Otvorena mreža and policy routing

Otvorena mreža (Open network in Croatian) uses babel routing protocol, which in turn uses linux policy routing. This blog post will go trough some simple commands to get to know how to use

Oct 14, 2016

Otvorena mreža - beyond wan port

Otvorena mreža - beyond wan port

Sometimes you need to access your upstream wan router, well this is usually no possible, especially when you are using Otvorena mreža firmware. Let's say your upstream router has

Aug 26, 2016

Huwaei E3372h (Hilink) - awesome LTE modem

Huwaei E3372h (Hilink) - awesome LTE modem

Why is Huawei E3372h awesome? Supports 4G/LTE Superior signal quality Very reasonably priced (on EU eBay for around 30€) Can be read/configured via Hilink API Works on OpenWrt Has connectors for

Aug 1, 2016

Post to dweet.io with wget

Post to dweet.io with wget

dweet.io is twitter for IoT, simple but very practical. If you need to send data (and you don't care for privacy of data you are sending) then you can use dweet, and

Jul 20, 2016

Osnove OpenWrt-a (1. dio)

Osnove OpenWrt-a  (1. dio)

Pokrećem seriju članaka o osnovama OpenWrt sustava, u ovoj seriji članaka pisati ću o tome što je OpenWrt, za koga je napravljen, koje su mu mogućnosti i kako s njim napraviti neke zanimljive

Jan 18, 2016

Enable swap on DigitalOcean instances

Enable swap on DigitalOcean instances

Just a quick summary of DigitalOcean article on enabling swap: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=4096k chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile And now add swapon /swapfile to