How politicians lie and get away with it - forbidden hidden footage
If you ever believed a politician it is very probable that you were fooled. Check out this video and see how they lie and twist the answers
If you ever believed a politician it is very probable that you were fooled. Check out this video and see how they lie and twist the answers
Did some of last linux distro leave you with a sour taste in your mouth? Answer to all your linux troubles is Linux Mint!Ha, ha... like
There are hundreds of gift guides this holiday season filled with junk you can buy - but a lot of time you actually don't own it, you
Nije mi jasno zašto niti jedna "user friendly" distribucija nema samba mount alat. Zar je to toliko teško? Ok, KDE i Gnome imaju browsere za samba share,
I have been fed up with windows for a long time ago, so I moved to linux. But one thing from windows haunts me still, and that
While I was browsing through Harald Welte's blog I came across this article. You can't believe what else is in his blog (non pr0n related) - so
When you need something to start and you want to control it manually you usually put it in one file that starts every time the system boots.
I really love anonymity even for casual daily browsing, so here is a little howto setup TOR on fedora core 6 machine. I will try to update
Naišao sam na ove definicije za BSD distribucije: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD... cijela paleta BSD-ova koja me često zbunjuje. Ove se definicije čine kao zanimljive i vrlo koncizne.
Neki dan prijatelj mi je rekao kako je HDZ otkupio cijelo kino te da će, kao dio propagandne kampanje, dijeliti karte za četiri kino predstave. Ideja mi
Ako koristite Fedora Core 6 (ili koju drugu verziju) sigurno želite upotpuniti bazu i s dodatnim repozitorijima s različitim opensource softverom ili, pak, nekima koji to nisu
Izašla je nova Fedora Core 6 i nakon polu uspješnog upgradea s Fedore Core 5 ipak sam se odlučio na čistu instalaciju. Jedna od prednosti Linux distribucija