Mar 26, 2011

i-gotU GT200 GPS on Fedora

i-gotU GT200 GPS is the greatest pocket GPS gadget you can find, if you are a geek then this is one gadget you have to get. Why is it so great? It is

Feb 3, 2011

Flipboard Android alternative

Flipboard is THE killer app for iPad, and lots of people are requesting Android version but developers have shown no interest in Android. If they have a small development team with few resources

Jan 25, 2011

Moovida still not in Fedora :(

I'm looking forward to seeing Moovida in Fedora, but currently it is stuck in bugzilla limbo :(   Currently Ubuntu has much better choice of multimedia and media center apps, that is why I hope

Oct 29, 2010

Linux Mint - little distro that could

If you compare Linux Mint 10 release notes to Ubuntu 10.10 or Fedora 14 release notes it becomes obvious why Linux Mint is so popular.   Linux Mint has more features that matter

Sep 12, 2010

Open Source Double Desk v2.0

In previous post I showed the general idea how our double desk will look like, now there are more details. Plan is to design a double desk and then give it to 3rd

Sep 9, 2010

My firsts Open Source Desk Design

Seams that nobody makes double desks, as my girlfriend and I need need double desk so we can work together at home, I have decided to design one myself.   I'll be posting designs

May 29, 2010

Btrfs Fedora Remix

Currently I'm testing if it is possible to create btrfs live CD-USB Fedora Remix. If this works next release of Community Fedora Remix will have btrfs by default.   What you need to do