
A collection of 29 posts

Feb 25, 2015

Compile and install latest monit 5.11

Monit is great lighweight monitoring and alerting utility, but for some reason all major distros have issue with keeping it up to date and including latest version. Good news is that monit has

Jul 4, 2011

Fedora in Public Libraries

Our local Linux Users Group in my home town of Osijek has started workshops called knowledge exchange in partnership with our public library. So first step was to install Fusion Linux Fedora Remix

Mar 26, 2011

i-gotU GT200 GPS on Fedora

i-gotU GT200 GPS is the greatest pocket GPS gadget you can find, if you are a geek then this is one gadget you have to get. Why is it so great? It is

Oct 29, 2010

Linux Mint - little distro that could

If you compare Linux Mint 10 release notes to Ubuntu 10.10 or Fedora 14 release notes it becomes obvious why Linux Mint is so popular.   Linux Mint has more features that matter

May 29, 2010

Btrfs Fedora Remix

Currently I'm testing if it is possible to create btrfs live CD-USB Fedora Remix. If this works next release of Community Fedora Remix will have btrfs by default.   What you need to do