Apr 15, 2013

Compiling tunneldigger client on Fedora

Compiling tunneldigger client on Debian/Ubuntu is pretty straight forward if you follow official instructions. For Fedora I just needed to find appropriate package names and install them first: sudo yum install cmake

Feb 13, 2013

Fix Arduino Mega 2560 avr-libc issue

If you have Arduino Mega 2560 on any updated Linux distro with avr-libc 1.8 you probably have an issue with compiling.   Compiler usually fails with this error: attempt to use poisoned "

Feb 12, 2013

Novi službeni laptop

Eto već su prošle godine i stari nettop koji me par godina služio je odradio svoje, i ako se zvijezde poklope ima šanse da dobijem novi laptop, budget nije neograničen i moram birati

Jan 12, 2013

Benchmark flash memory on Linux

After gathering all flash based memory devices (USB flash memory sticks and SHDC cards) I could get my hands on I wanted to see how they compare to each other. Quick google search

Apr 12, 2012

Enable ad-hoc wifi networking on Android

Google has disabled wireless ad-hoc networking in Android from day one. Underlying Android libraries and wifi stack support adhoc networking and so far Google has provided no explanation why it still, even after