Izašao je Community Fedora Remix 13.1 "Lucky 13"
Nakon mnogo mukotrpnog rada, štrikanja kickstart skripti, pravljenja novih rpm paketa i testiranja Community Fedora Remix 13.1 "Lucky 13" je spreman za download. Dvije su osnovne ideja koje stoje iza
Nakon mnogo mukotrpnog rada, štrikanja kickstart skripti, pravljenja novih rpm paketa i testiranja Community Fedora Remix 13.1 "Lucky 13" je spreman za download. Dvije su osnovne ideja koje stoje iza
From what Google is doing in Chrome/Cromium browsers it is obvious that Google wants http to disappear. Google is saying that http confuses regular users, but that is just pure PR nonsense
I have friend's Asus eee 701 with only 512 Mb of RAM and 2GB SSD storage. I would like to install Fedora 13 on this netbook and increase SDD performance and speed via
DockbarX brings much needed advancement in terms of dockbar features, ease of use, features and usabillity. This is especially noticable on netbooks where screen real estate is much better handled in DockbarX than
Ovu subotu smo imali zabavno druženje osječkog ogranka Hrvatske udruge Linux korisnika. Primarni cilj nam je bilo druženje i upoznavanje jer se većina ljudi zna samo preko forum prepiski. Događaj je tematski bio
From what I have seen in this blog post looks like Ubuntu has gained option to have transparent GNOME windows. I hope this feature goes upstream as fast as possible so that Fedora
LinuxMint is considered by many the best Linux desktop distribution, it is a Ubuntu based distribution and has some really great additions for desktop users on top of Ubuntu features. LinuxMint team has
We would like to announce live DVD/USB release of Community Fedora Remix 12.3 100% compatible with Fedora Compiz Fusion compositing window manager KDE + GNOME desktops multimedia support out of the box
Svaka pohvala ekipi iz GPP-a što su prepoznali OpenStreetMap projekt i što koriste kartu Osijeka za potrebe GPPa. Svim nama koji volonterski sudjelujemo na ovome projektu nema draže stvari nego kada vidimo da
If you have a new Fedora user (or user of any other distro) who has problems using his wireless card first thing you need is for him to tell you which wireless card
Tom “spot” Callaway Spot has been mainataining Fedora Chromium repo, but now it is gone and there is no explanation on Tom's Spot's blog :( UPDATE: But there is an explanation in README.txt
We would like to announce live CD release of Community Fedora Remix 12.2 100% compatible with Fedora Compiz Fusion compositing window manager KDE + GNOME desktops multimedia support out of the box (mp3