May 21, 2009

Desktop Linux sucks

Bryan from Linux Action Show podcast made a presentation at LinuxFest Northwest called Why Desktop Linux Sucks and What We can Do About It   I don't agree with all of his statements, like

May 20, 2009

Is Red Hat's dead?

Christopher said it is Redhat’s neglected gold mine, and I agree.   Wikipedia says that from April 4th, 2009 until May 11th the Mugshot website was down and displayed the

Apr 2, 2009

Midori faster than Google Chrome

Midori is a Web Browser, that aims to be lightweight and fast. I love using Midori because it is the fastest browser on Fedora, I still use Firefox but for most sites Midori

Mar 31, 2009

Treba li Hrvatima/icama MythTV vodič?

Razmišljam o pisanju MythTV vodiča ili čak yubito video vodiča o tome koji hardver odabrati za MythTV i kako ga podesiti. Zanima me postoji li potreba za ovim vodičem. Ovisno o vašem odazivu

Feb 24, 2009


Piratebay je jako zanimljiv site :) No još su zanimljivija stranica pravnih prijetnji i njihovih odgovora na te prijetnje.   Torrenfreak je i dalje najbolji izvod za praćenje vijesti u torrent svijetu pa tako i

Feb 20, 2009

Traži se web designer ili web studio

Ako znate za koji web design studio ili nekog jako dobrog web freelancera u Osijeku i okolici javite se jer imam poslovnu ponudu.   Što se traži: jako dobar grafički design HTML + CSS design

Feb 17, 2009

Screw data. Prioritize code.

As a long time Linux desktop user and Linux enthusiast I want bloody screaming fast desktop :) There are some situations that I just want to pull my hair out when I see that

Feb 16, 2009

DNS broke my Fedora :(

Our local LUG made custom distribution based on Fedora 10 and added extra repositories (livna and rpmfusion). On the day of Installfest we gave our custom distro to everybody who came. People installed