Install Monitorix on Debian

Monitorix is not part of official Debian repos, so you need to add Monitorix to apt sources.list.

Official documentation for installing Monitorix on Debian is quite good, but you need to check out few pages to get all information needed, so here is a cheat sheet with all steps:

echo "deb generic universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key add izzysoft.asc
rm izzysoft.asc 
aptitude update
aptitude install monitorix

Now just open

To add password protection to Monitorix web page apache2-utils package needs to be installed and password file needs to be created:

apt-get install apache2-utils
htpasswd -d -c /var/lib/monitorix/htpasswd username

and then edit monitorix config file:

            enabled = y
            msg = Monitorix: Restricted access
            htpasswd = /var/lib/monitorix/htpasswd