GPX Viewer

GPX Viewer is a simple tool but essential if you are OpenStreetMap contributer or if you use gps logs in gpx format, also this tool would be a great fit for Fedora Geo Spin.
You can find this tool on it's Freshmeat homepage.
In Fedora this tool is not currently packaged so you need to compile it, which is pretty simple.
Gpx-viewer is currently packaged for Fedora and ready for testing from fedora-testing repository:
yum install gpx-viewer --enablerepo=updates-testing

First download and install dependencies for compiling GPX Viewer:

yum install -y libxml2-devel libchamplain-gtk-devel libchamplain-devel vala intltool gtk2-devel unique-devel libchamplain-devel libchamplain-gtk-devel

Now download, extract, configure and compile it.

wget tar xvzf gpxviewer-0.1.0.tar.gz cd gpxviewer-0.1.0 ./configure make
  Now that it is compiled you only need to become root and install it:
su make install exit
  Homepage of GPX Viewer: